Monday 24 September 2012

[2 walls] What is Utopian?

In 'the ultimate city' Utopia is place where everything has been made simple. So simple that no excess is needed, everything is down to it's simplest form while still maintaining balance and progress. There is no heirachy, no difference between individuals and it seems nobody has developed any tiny sign of the seven sins-everybody for everybody. Everyone is living in harmony - but - it is a very unambitious place(in my opinion ).

A truely utopian place would have to be where everybody lives GREAT with everybody else (no disgusting personalities). No excess weight for the world or for own minds- meaning clean resources and self produce, self use(renew, resuse and recycle) and no greed(everybody gets the same amount). No over decoration that people start to lose sight of what is more important, what has been there the whole time (nature environment).

SIMPLE ARCHITECTURE (or outer facade at least)

As the missile (transportation from dystopian hotel) launches the parachute, speed has finally slowed down enough that you start enjoying the ride down the first thing is clear skies and water. There is a sense of overwhelming calmness as the missile falls at an acceptable speed on to the grass platform. The nose opens and everybody is let out. From the waiting rooms, relatives/friends/hotel staff awaits to welcome the passengers and led into the hotel.

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